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Rediscover Our Purpose as Worshipper 重拾敬拜的真意
Rediscover Our Purpose as Worshipper 重拾敬拜的真意

Wed, 12 Jun


Awaken Generation

Rediscover Our Purpose as Worshipper 重拾敬拜的真意

What is worship? What is good or great worship? Is that all to worship? 什么是敬拜?什么是好或很好的敬拜?敬拜也就这样吗?

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Time & Location

12 Jun 2024, 19:30 – 22:30

Awaken Generation, 8 New Industrial Rd, #03 04, Singapore 536200

About the event


FREE CHINESE ELECTIVE - 重拾敬拜的真意 Rediscovering our Purpose as Worshippers  各国、各族、各民都有各自独有的声音和歌,来献上给神。神在寻找那些能以创意性的方式来向祂表达爱的人。然而,中文教会也有独特的声音/歌声需要被释放出来。在这门选修课中,我们将再次探索,当我们重新学习及恢复我们作为祭司和利未人的呼召时,我们自然会由心底唱出对神的新歌。这将强有力地塑造和影响我们对神的敬拜、事奉和带领他人的方式。


Every tribe, nation and tongue has a unique song that can, and must be, offered to the Lord. God is looking for worshippers who would express their love for Him in creative ways and the Mandarin church has a distinct sound that must be unlocked. In this elective, we will discover that as we relearn and recover our calling as priests and levites, our hearts will naturally birth forth new songs to the Lord. This will powerfully shape and form the way we worship, serve and lead others. This elective has been specially designed for the Chinese church. All mandarin-speaking worshippers are strongly encouraged to attend. Panelists: Ps Matthew Tan, Ps Alex Foo, Faith Pang 陈主恩牧师(Ps Matthew Tan)  他是一位使用词曲创作恩赐来分享基督福音的传道人,通过创作新歌来表达他对神的爱和献上,每一首都邀请他人进入与基督更深的关系。他创作了许多不同曲风的歌曲和诗歌,用音乐触动人心。为了更广泛地传播耶稣基督的福音,他正将他的事工扩展到各种媒体平台,利用一切可能和创意的方式来触及更多的人。他的音乐不仅仅是艺术表达,更是他对神的敬拜和对世人的关怀,激励了无数人走近基督,体会神的爱与恩典。 Ps Matthew is an evangelist who utilises his gift of songwriting to share the message of Jesus with others. He express his love and devotion through the creation of new songs, each one a heartfelt offering that invites others into a deeper relationship with Christ. He is a prolific songwriter, that has penned numerous song and is expanding his ministry into various media platforms, using every available means to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  符基明传道(Ps Alex Foo) - 敬拜带领班导师 Mandarin Worship Leading Mentor - Awaken Generation  乐观、开朗、积极、不歇、尽力都是他的座右铭;谈吐风趣搞笑是他的标记。现任长老会伯大尼堂青少/敬赞传道的基明传道拥有超过25年于华语实体崇拜聚会担任敬拜主领的经验,也参与无数场宗派联办的大型聚会和布道会,更有大型合唱歌咏团与和音诗歌小组的经验。在教会的服事包括指导敬拜带领与崇拜服事团队。他是开创教会青少崇拜双语聚会的先锋,也是正在受装备成为教会领导教牧的接班人。他的服事态度与生命一直激励着教会的青少年,影响并装备下一代成为教会的精兵。 Optimistic, cheerful, proactive, tireless, and striving are his mottoes; witty and humorous in conversation are his trademarks. Currently serving as the youth/worship pastor of Bethany Preb Church, Pastor Alex has over 25 years of experience leading worship in Mandarin-speaking congregations. He has participated in numerous large-scale interdenominational events and evangelistic crusades, as well as led large choir ensembles and vocal groups. His church ministry includes mentoring worship teams and worship service volunteers. He is a pioneer in establishing bilingual youth worship services in the church and is being equipped to become a future leader and pastor. His servant attitude and life have been inspiring the church's youth, influencing and equipping the next generation to become the church's elite soldiers.

陳婉琪 (Faith Pang) - 词曲创作班导师 Mandarin Songwriting Mentor, Awaken Generation  曾是歌手、主持人、福音电台DJ,曾在广告和活动策划领域中奋斗将近八年,致力在职场做盐做光。后来回应上帝的呼召踏上了全职服事的道路,现任资深创意编导,希望用生命、见证、音乐、影响,述说爱与盼望。从11岁开始写歌,所创作的歌曲在网上累计超过20万次播放量,如「不放手」、「得着安息」、「仰望」和「祢爱让我坚强」等。身为甦醒世代中文诗歌创作班的导师,她相信每个人都有上帝赋予的独特声音,期许培养更多中文诗歌创作者和敬拜者,一同兴起为上帝发声、为世代发声。

Formerly a singer, host, and gospel radio DJ, she spent nearly eight years in the advertising and event planning field, striving to be a light and salt in the workplace. Responding to God's call, she later embarked on the path of full-time ministry and currently serves as a senior creative director. Her desire is to use her life, testimony, music, and influence to proclaim love and hope. She started writing songs at the age of 11, and her compositions, such as "不放手”、”得着安息”、”仰望” and ”祢爱让我坚强" have accumulated over 200,000 plays online. As a mentor in the Mandarin songwriting class at Awaken Generation, she believes that everyone has a unique voice given by God and hopes to cultivate more Chinese songwriters and worshippers to rise up and speak for God and for the generations.


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